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Colorado is facing a veterinary crisis with 1 in 3 pet owners unable to afford and access care. By creating a position for a veterinary professional associate, or Vet “PA”, we can increase workforce capacity and drive down costs to ensure more animals receive the care
they need and deserve.
Community Catalysts Podcast
Colorado’s animal welfare community is addressing the national veterinary care crisis with a first-in-the-nation ballot measure this November to create a new Veterinary PA role that aims to expand access to care and transform the future of pet care. Listen and learn more while Dr. Apryl Steele, President and CEO of the Dumb Friends League, offers insights into the challenges, opportunities, and potential impact of this groundbreaking effort.
- Media Alert: Governor Jared Polis and Former Opponent Heidi Ganahl unite in support of Proposition 129, which would establish a Veterinary Professional Associate position
- Letter to Colorado Veterinarians
- Colorado veterinary professionals outline access, workforce challenges and potential solutions
- Colorado pet owners say yes, they want access to mid-level veterinary professionals and telehealth
- Tackling the Veterinary Professional Shortage – Mars Veterinary Health
- AAVMC Statement on U.S. Veterinary Workforce
- More access to veterinary care could be on November ballot
- Colorado veterinary professionals push for creation of new position to address staffing shortage
- Animal welfare advocates will keep trying to expand veterinary care, telehealth in Colorado
- Opinion: Colorado veterinarians and pet owners deserve greater access to telemedicine visits, but proposed bill would limit them – The Colorado Sun
- Provide access to veterinary telemedicine | OPINION | Opinion | coloradopolitics.com
- Colorado Veterinary Professional Survey: Summary of Results
- Colorado Perspectives on Access to Veterinary Care and Veterinary Workforce Challenges and Possible Solutions
- Colorado Pet Owners Survey on Access to Veterinary Care:Summary of Results
- Letter to Veterinary Colleges
- CVMA releases results from member survey on veterinary professional associates